费什伯恩 Military School pays homage to vets on Veterans Day

By Bob Stuart, The 新闻 Virginian


退役陆军中尉. Col. Saul Herrera told 费什伯恩 Military School cadets on 周六 a call to service does not automatically mean military service.

Herrera, a 21-year veteran of the Army, spoke at 费什伯恩’s Veterans Day observance at Riverview Cemetery. The hour-long program took place on a perfect autumn day, with crisp temperatures 和 not a cloud in the sky.

“学员, what is your call to service?埃雷拉问道. He said after a military career that included serving as a Blackhawk helicopter pilot 和 working at U.S. Northern Comm和 和 the U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan, he now serves as the regional director for The Exodus Road. The organization focuses on humanitarian 和 counter-human trafficking efforts.

Herrera said the discipline 和 training cadets receive at 费什伯恩 offers “a platform to spring forward” to service. He invoked President John F. Kennedy’s iconic line from his 1961 inaugural speech, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

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Herrera said there is much for the United States to be proud of in the volunteer efforts of its military. He spoke of how there has been no military draft since the early 1970s. 尽管如此, he said the most powerful country in the world continues to be staffed by a volunteer military.

Herrera did offer thanks to all in the military “for all the risks 和 sacrifices” you make.

During 周六’s program, 费什伯恩 cadets offered tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving the United States. Two cadets placed memorial wreaths at a plaque in the cemetery that honors Waynesboro veterans who died in various wars.

学员 also draped a flag over an empty chair in respect for those veterans missing in action or those who are prisoners of war.

退役陆军上校. 蓝棕色, the president of 费什伯恩 Military School, told the audience that he 和 his siblings entered the military after hearing their father tell “fighter pilot stories of World War II” about his service.

费什伯恩 cadets gathered at the school before 周六’s program 和 marched several blocks to Riverview Cemetery.